New Home, Same Mission
We are grateful to have a new home in the center of the San Fernando Valley from which to continue the mission God has given us in this city the past 43 years. Join us as we prepare this space to serve our community and city!
Building a Legacy for Future Generations
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19
We have been beyond blessed to secure a new building in the heart of the San Fernando Valley in Northridge, which we believe is a stake in the ground to house what God has called us to as a church: To establish socially responsible churches and campus ministries throughout Los Angeles and the nations of the world.
Join us as we take this extraordinary step of faith into what God has for us as a church!
Pastor Dave and Amy Polus
Take a behind the scenes look at the property
We will begin meeting at the new location start of February with our grand opening scheduled for Easter Sunday!
Make a gift today!
Click the link below and give a one time gift via pushpay! Select “New Building Fund” under giving type. Thank you for your partnership and faith!