Story of God
Join us as we journey in 5 parts with Pastor and Dr Seth Trimmer through the Story of God.
Part 1
Every story has its beginning. So does the story of Jesus. However the beginning of his story starts much further back than many realize. Join us as we journey in 5 parts with Pastor and Dr Seth Trimmer through the Story of God
Every story has its beginning. So does the story of Jesus. However the beginning of his story starts much further back than many realize. Join us as we journey in 5 parts with Pastor and Dr Seth Trimmer through the Story of God
The Fall - Where did it all go wrong? And is there a way back given from the very start?
Part 3
So God wants to save the world, through a family? The beginning of Israel and the start of a long game plan to save the world family by family, generation by generation till a promised child comes forth.
So God wants to save the world, through a family? The beginning of Israel and the start of a long game plan to save the world family by family, generation by generation till a promised child comes forth.
Part 4
Is the plan still worth believing? We begin to get a flushed out and detailed picture of what the promised Messiah will look like and accomplish, Hundreds of years before his coming.
Is the plan still worth believing? We begin to get a flushed out and detailed picture of what the promised Messiah will look like and accomplish, Hundreds of years before his coming.
Part 5
A story that began long ago and is left in our care, and lives. Does Jesus fulfill all that was spoken of Him throughout the ages. Is there a part yet for us to fulfill in his story?
A story that began long ago and is left in our care, and lives. Does Jesus fulfill all that was spoken of Him throughout the ages. Is there a part yet for us to fulfill in his story?